Ice Storm 1998

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Road Scholars music cd

The Road Scholars bluegrass band's music CD "The Road Home", including "The Ice Song" along with 11 other vocals and instrumentals. Featuring Southwest Quebec's own Rick Rossi, Cheryl Maude-Milot, Bill Welburn, Garth Priest, and Perry Benedik.

$24 taxes and shipping incl.

Calendar photo

The Chateauguay Valley 2008 calendar with 13 photos by Phil Norton. 10"x12" format. See inside pages at

$19 taxes and shipping incl.

Ice Storm slideshow dvd

"Remembering the Ice Storm" photo slideshow with "The Ice Song" on DVD for DVD player and high definition tv or computer. 3 minutes 20 seconds.

$23 taxes and shipping incl.


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